Organization of the crew's life and activity

The main principles of the crew's life and activity organization are self-organization and self-management that are expressed in:

  • Self-control of all the aspects of the crew-members' life and activity, including control of state of health, psychological state and work capability, environmental situation, consumable resources, etc.,
  • Independent decisions making and their realization.
In the experiment it is planned to be oriented mainly at the work and rest schedule of the crews in orbital flights (7-day week with two days-off). At the same time the crew's work and rest organization at different stages of the experiment can have peculiarities caused by specificity of the simulated flight stages and situations.

The crew's activity will include nominal operations (medical control, physical trainings, systems' control and servicing, the "Landing Module" operation, etc), fulfillment of scientific investigations, sanitary and hygienic procedures, etc. It is planned to simulate off-nominal and emergency situations determined by the human factor (decrease in work capability and activity reliability, etc.), and also failures of the on-board systems and equipment.

For the crewmembers' nutrition rations will be used that are identical to the ones used at the International Space Station. Water supply will be conducted with the use of water prepared in accordance with the requirements to drinking water for space crews. Smoking and taking alcoholic drinks are not allowed.

The main way of information exchange between the crew and Experiment Control Center will be e-mail.