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4-th International Workshop on Space Radiation Research
17-th Annual NASA Space Radiation Health Investigators' Workshop

Moscow - St. Petersburg, June 5 - 9, 2006

Deadline for manuscripts submitting is 20 September



This journal publishes scientific papers covering all subjects of space science and technology, including the following: ballistics, flight dynamics of the Earth's artificial satellites and automatic interplanetary stations; problems of transatmospheric descent; design and structure of spacecraft and scientific research instrumentation; life support systems and radiation safety of manned spacecrafts; exploration of the Earth from space; exploration of near space; exploration of the Sun, planets, secondary planets, and interplanetary medium; exploration of stars, nebulae, interstellar medium, galaxies, and quasars from spacecrafts; and various astrophysical problems related to space exploration. A chronicle of scientific events and other notices concerning the main topics of the Journal are also presented.

Manuscript preparation.

The manuscript's volume is defined by the form of presentation: invited reports (25 min) - 15 pages, submitted report (15 min) - 8 pages, poster - 6 pages.
The page parameters are follows: margins left - 25 mm, right - 15 mm, top and bottom - 20 mm. Total line number do not exceed 28 per page.
Manuscripts should be type-written in Times New Roman font, 12 pt, 2.0 spacing, single column justified. Manuscript arrangement is as follows:

  • A title should be brief and informative, contain no abbreviations, written in capital letters, centered.
  • Blank line
  • The name(s) of the author(s) with initials (in the form: V.V. Ivanov, G. Smith, …) , centered. Asterisk indicating the corresponding author's name with a footnote showing the author: post address, institution, phone and fax numbers, e-mail.
  • The affiliation(s), city(ies) and country(ies) of the author(s), italic, centered.
  • Blank line.
  • A brief but detailed abstract (<1 page).
  • Blank line.
  • Relevant key words, no more than 6, in italics.
  • Blank line.
  • Main text.

The Abstract should not exceed 1 page and should briefly present the aims of the work, the materials and methods used, the most important results and conclusions.
The main text of the article should begin with an Introduction (without a heading) stating the purpose of the investigation and giving a short review of the pertinent literature.
The Materials and methods section should follow the Introduction and should provide enough information to estimate the reliability and accuracy of experimental data.
The Results section should describe the outcome of the study. Data should be presented as concisely as possible, if appropriate in the form of tables or figures. All quantities should be given in SI units; as the only exception, time may be measured also in minutes (min), hours (h) and days. The date and time should be given in the following form: date, month and year - <7.IX.2006> - for Russian version and - for English version; minutes, hours UT - 05.17 UT; in all cases the decimal point must be used. If context gives information enough for understanding the year of event then the quantitative expression of year in the date is dropped out (7.IX instead 7.IX.2006) The Discussion section should provide an interpretation of the results and their significance with reference to work by other authors. The Acknowledges section should be as brief as possible. Any grant that requires acknowledgement should be mentioned. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Personal acknowledgements should precede those of institutions and agencies.
Literature citations in the text should be indicated using numbers in square brackets. References section should be placed on the separate page(s) at the end of the paper. References should be numbered in order of citation. Journal papers should include name(s) and initial(s) of all authors; title of paper, journal title abbreviated in accordance with international practice; year; volume number; issue number; first and last page numbers. Books should include name(s) and initial(s) of all authors; title; editors name(s) and initial(s); publisher; place of publication; year; first and last page numbers (unless the whole book is cited). Citation of unpublished papers is not acceptable.

Examples: 1. He Y.W., Levy R.B., Malek T.R. // Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 1995. V.92. Ή352. P.5689-5693.
2. Ward J.F., Milligan J.R., Fahey R.C. // Microdosimetry: An interdisciplinary Approach. Ed. by D.T. Goodhead, P. O`Neill, H.G. Menzel. The Royal Society of Chemistry. 1997. P.57-64.

All figures (only black and white) and tables should be cited in the text, and each numbered consecutively throughout. Tables should be placed on the separate page(s) at the end of the paper. Legends for figures should be on the separate page(s) after tables. Figures should be submitted as separate EPS (vector graphics), JPG, GIF or TIFF files, each bearing first author name and figure number in its title. Manuscript should be saved in RTF or Microsoft Word compatible format. Manuscript file along with figure file(s) should be sent via e-mail to srag@pike.net.ru

When sending big files please use common archivers (RAR, ZIP).

Proofreading. Proofs are sent to authors by e-mail. Authors should make their proof corrections (formal corrections only), checking that the text is complete and that all figures and tables are included. Substantial changes in content, e.g. new results, corrected values, title and authorship are not allowed. Author should return corrected proofs to the Editors via e-mail in 2 to 3 days.


After review and accepting of manuscript for publication the author(s) should present signed Copyright Transfer Agreement form of which is given in www.naukaran.ru/dogovor.html

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